Apart from ordinary pads and tampons, there are currently other products that are increasingly in demand, namely menstrual cups. This product, also known as a menstrual cup, is known to have many advantages, although there are also disadvantages. Come on, find out more about menstrual cup. Menstrual cup is a substitute for sanitary napkin and made of rubber or silicone. Unlike pads or tampons, menstrual cups only function to store menstrual blood, not absorb it. Various Strengths and Disadvantages of Using a Menstrual Cup Before using a new product, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of these products, including menstrual cups. There are several benefits of using a menstrual cup, namely: 1. Durable The menstrual cup is a substitute product for an environmentally friendly sanitary pad, because it can be reused after washing. Its durability is quite long, which is 6 months to 10 years, depending on the type and treatment. 2. Large capacity The menstrual cup can h...
Varicose veins during pregnancy are common as a result of enlarged stomach pressure and hormonal changes. However, in some women, varicose veins remain after giving birth. This certainly can interfere with appearance and even activity. One reason varicose veins remain after giving birth is because the body needs time to recover. The appearance and size of varicose veins usually improves within 3-4 months after delivery. Even so, in some women, varicose veins can stay longer or even not disappear at all. Causes of Varicose After Childbirth There are a number of factors that can make varicose veins after delivery never disappear: 1. Twin pregnancy In a twin pregnancy, hormone production and blood supply may be more than in a single pregnancy. Pressure due to the weight of the fetus to the birth process can also be more severe. These things will increase the pressure on the blood vessels and make you more likely to experience permanent varicose veins. 2. Have given birth before ...